1¾«Ä)////01 IMAGINE... YOU COULD BE MAKING UP TO $50,000 CREATING INFORMATION PRODUCTS PEOPLE WANT TO BUY Now it's easy to start your own kitchen table computer based Business! Mr. Jack Smith 1234 Best Street Any Town, NY 12345 Dear Mr. Smith, Have you been searching for the right opportunity to start a profitable PC based business? Your search is over! But first, lets be realistic. For most of us, there is no "easy way" to serious money unless we win a lottery or inherit a fortune. Despite the many claims that you will run across, it takes an investment of both time and some money to build wealth! BUT THERE IS A WAY TO MAKE A SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT OF MONEY USING YOUR PC YEAR AFTER YEAR -- IF YOU'RE WILLING TO PUT FORTH A MODEST EFFORT! Information professionals like yourself, have special knowledge that other people are willing to pay large amounts of money for. How much? You can earn $150 to $215 and more a day regularly---even become an information millionaire. I write "How-To" reports of all kinds, all of which I create using an IBM PC, Desktop Publishing Software and a laser printer. I'm in the business of showing other people how to do things... all kinds of things --- and so can you. Why will your information products sell like hotcakes? What-if you offered to sell unlimited rights to information people want and would pay to get? Rights to information that requires research, lots of research, that takes time to organize, create, and publish. People quickly understand and recognize the extra value, when they read "Royalty Free", "Unrestricted Use", or "Modify For Your Own Use". Here's a little known highly profitable secret. The value-added jumps geometrically when you offer your customer unrestricted information rights. 5 page report (no rights) $1.00 - $5.00 5 page report (reprint rights only) $5.00 - $15.00 5 page report (unlimited rights) $15.00 - $150.00 The best part is that for every $15 sale you get to keep $13. DOES THIS PEAK YOUR INTEREST? ASCII BRINGS CASH is a jam-packed report that will show you how to: * create information reports even if you're not an expert or a writer; * use 10 simple steps to successfully start your information business; * use 9 simple steps to create and produce your first information product; * how to use your PC to research and create information that people want to buy--NOW; * be making money within weeks by regenerating the sample reports, circular's and classified ads that pull orders--Fast! Ascii Brings Cash provides everything you need: Marketing methods, report ideas, desktop publishing requirements, sources, production, and advertising.... all the tricks-of-the-trade for a quick start... not a cold start! Imagine... each sample (even the kit) can be modified for your own unlimited use! There are no restrictions! All the information is supplied on ASCII formatted IBM 360k 5 1/4" disk. Sample circular's are 8 1/2 x 11 camera ready, just add your Company name and address. MAKE NO MISTAKE: Your information business will not start automatically. In order to get off to a fast and profitable start, it requires the solid "How-to" pointers that are jammed into Ascii Brings Cash. ORDER YOUR COPY OF ASCII BRINGS CASH -- TODAY AND START EARNING MONEY WITHIN WEEKS JUST $19.95 PLUS $5 p&h Sincerely, Leon Johnson P.S. If you order within the next 10 days you will receive FREE,15 mail order reports that you can resell for quick profits. YOU receive reprint rights too. A valuable bonus that pays you money -- FREE only if YOU act now! $5.00 5 page report (reprint rights only) €˜wKsWoÄl€ÃxxKxMÿÿ¤ÿÿ¦ÿÿ¨ÿÿÂÿÿÞÿÿüÿÿþÿÿÿÿÿÿhÿÿ‘ÿÿ“ÿÿ¸ÿÿºÿÿÿÿYÿÿ<Y[ÿÿ©ÿÿìÿÿîÿÿ8ÿÿ{ÿÿ½ÿÿ¿ÿÿÿÿPÿÿgÿÿiÿÿ„ÿÿ†ÿÿÐÿÿþÿÿÿÿMÿÿšÿÿåÿÿ<åÿÿÿÿcÿÿ±ÿÿüÿÿHÿÿaÿÿcÿÿ±ÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿg ÿÿ° ÿÿÐ ÿÿÒ ÿÿ ÿÿd ÿÿ­ ÿÿ¯ ÿÿ<¯ ý ÿÿÿ ÿÿ< ÿÿ> ÿÿ‰ ÿÿ˜ ÿÿš ÿÿç ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿO ÿÿz ÿÿ| ÿÿÅ ÿÿï ÿÿñ ÿÿ< ÿÿo ÿÿq ÿÿ¾ ÿÿ<¾ ÿÿ(ÿÿ*ÿÿvÿÿÂÿÿÿÿ>ÿÿ@ÿÿŠÿÿ®ÿÿ°ÿÿÜÿÿÞÿÿ.ÿÿzÿÿªÿÿ¬ÿÿöÿÿ>ÿÿˆÿÿ<ˆ«ÿÿ­ÿÿðÿÿ/ÿÿ1ÿÿiÿÿkÿÿÿÿƒÿÿ›ÿÿ§ÿÿ©ÿÿ÷ÿÿ<ÿÿŽyÄyÆyöÿÿ>ÿÿˆÿÿ< 1 s and classified ads that pull orders--Fast! Ascii Brings Cash pro Arial Soutaned: Marketing methods, report ideas, desktop publishing requirements, sources, pr